Physical Health
Onnit has Four Full-body Workouts For Men you can do at home
Onnit has Four Full-body Workouts For Women you can do at home
YouTube has many good exercise videos. Here is one for "Yoga For Seniors - Chair Yoga"
Forbes magazine explains 6 Ways Exercise Makes You Smarter
- Accidents happen in all kinds of situations - here's a guide to taping an ankle from The Art of Manliness
Mental Health
Free 20 Minute Guided Meditation Session from Mindvalley
12 Stress Busting Ideas from Evernote
Racheldangerw has posted a list of "29 Tips – What I’ve learned (and wish I’d known) in Lockdown"
The online pharmacy forhims/forhers is offering free anonymous group mental health sessions for adults. Forhims / Forhers
- Relieve stree by drawing according to this art therapist