
Physical Health

  1. Onnit has Four Full-body Workouts For Men you can do at home

  2. Onnit has Four Full-body Workouts For Women you can do at home

  3. YouTube has many good exercise videos. Here is one for "Yoga For Seniors - Chair Yoga"

  4. Forbes magazine explains 6 Ways Exercise Makes You Smarter

  5. Accidents happen in all kinds of situations - here's a guide to taping an ankle from The Art of Manliness

 Mental Health

  1. Free 20 Minute Guided Meditation Session from Mindvalley

  2. 12 Stress Busting Ideas from Evernote

  3. Racheldangerw has posted a list of "29 Tips – What I’ve learned (and wish I’d known) in Lockdown"

  4. The online pharmacy forhims/forhers is offering free anonymous group mental health sessions for adults. Forhims / Forhers

  5. Relieve stree by drawing according to this art therapist