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Ideas and resources to prepare for an emergency

The majority of resources suggest having enough supplies at home so you can be independent for three days.

Many say you should have more than that. The decision you make should be based on what you are comfortable with.

Similarly, you need to consider a variety of factors:

  • Do you need a generator to power your home/appliances?

  • Do you have small children, pets or people with specific food or medication requirements/restrictions?

  • Do you have camping supplies that could be used in an emergency (such as camp stove, sleeping bags, etc.)?

  • Do you have a large freezer that you keep stocked with food for your family?

  • Do you preserve fruits and vegetables so they can be stored for later consumption?

  • What is the climate like in your area? If there are freezing winters and/or hot summers you will need to plan for both since an emergency can happen at any time.

  • When reviewing guidelines from any of the resources below, or others, consider what might be missing: Children will need toys, games, coloring books. Adults may want to have board games, puzzle books, reading materials. Do you have extra flashlights and batteries? Candles? Matches? Firewood? Will you be able to open canned goods during a power outage?


  1. Would you like to grow your own vegetables in a small indoor hydroponic system? Check out iHarvest.

  2. Popular Mechanics does an annual review of home generators.

  3.  The US Government publishes a website of resources for putting together a home emergency preparedness plan here.

  4. The Red Cross also has a good website to guide you through creating a home emergency preparedness plan here.

  5. Here is an excellent list of things to include in your emergency kit for your pets.